Cimbak Dental Clinic



Just as coffee, medication, or aging can stain your teeth over time, discolored teeth can sap your confidence—and your desire to smile. Veneers are one way to bring back your teeth’s outer beauty.

This fairly simple treatment also can also fix other aesthetic issues such as teeth that are just a bit misaligned, chipped, or misshapen. Our experienced dentists at Cimbak Dental Clinic can assess your needs and discuss whether veneers are the right option for you.

What are Veneers?

A veneer is a thin layer of restorative material placed over a tooth surface, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth or to protect a damaged tooth surface. There are two main types of material used to fabricate a veneer, composite materials, and porcelain.

If you have a tooth that’s misaligned or small gaps between your teeth but don’t otherwise need braces, veneers can fix those problems as well.

Perhaps best of all, veneers can brighten your smile if your teeth aren’t as white as they once were—or they’re not as white as you’d like. Food, beverages such as coffee and tea, smoking, medications, and age all contribute to yellowing or discoloring our teeth. With veneers, you can choose a shade that looks natural but takes years off your appearance. They’re especially helpful for one or two teeth that are discolored or particularly resistant to other whitening treatments. Our dentist even can show you how your smile will look with veneers before you undergo treatment.

Composite Veneer

A composite veneer or “Dental Bonding” may be directly placed (built-up in the mouth), it is a tooth colored resin that can be shaped to form veneers. Composite veneers are essentially a reinforced plastic. In contrast, porcelain veneers are often seen as the more durable of the two substances.

The tooth is prepared for dental bonding by lightly etching the surface and applying a bonding liquid. Once the liquid sets, a plastic resin is applied and sculpted into the desired shape by the dentist. Once set, the resin is trimmed, smoothed and polished to a natural appearance.

Cimbak Dental Clinic is fully equipped to make your smile complete again. Whether you are fixing chips or cracks, replacing one tooth or several teeth, or want porcelain dental bonding as a metal-free alternative to replace outdated silver fillings, we’ve got you covered!

Porcelain Veneer

A porcelain veneer is like a new outer shell for your tooth. It is a thin layer of porcelain made to fit over the front surface of a tooth, like a false fingernail fits over a nail. Composed of thin ceramic layers that mimic tooth enamel, porcelain veneers adhere to a tooth’s surface, improving minor issues in appearance. Veneers can appear to lengthen teeth that have been shortened through tooth grinding, also called bruxism, or smooth out chipped teeth. They also can adjust the overall shape of your teeth to complement your features better.

Because veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth, a mold of your teeth will be made before applying them. The dentist might have to reduce a small amount of your natural tooth’s enamel (less than 1 mm of the surface) so the veneer fits snugly and comfortably against your tooth. But once the veneers are adhered in place, they’re virtually worry-free. They won’t shift or move while you eat or talk, and they won’t stain, giving you a radiant smile

Dental Veneers Cimbak dental clinic Port harcourt

Signs You Need Dental Veneers to Restore Your Smile

1. Cracked / Chipped / Worn down Teeth

Cracked or chipped teeth, as well as teeth that have become badly worn through excessive grinding or by carbonated drinks, can benefit from veneers. However, for severely worn down teeth, dental crowns are recommended.

2. Significantly Discolored Teeth

Are your teeth significantly discolored? Have you tried teeth whitening to no avail? Badly stained teeth that cannot be improved by teeth whitening can be greatly improved by dental veneers, which function to cover any existing stains on your teeth. 

3. Spaces / Gaps in Your Smile

If gaps and/or spaces (known as diastema in the field of dentistry) have impacted your confidence then veneers may be for you. While composite veneers can also used to treat diastema, patients with multiple diastema and accompanying discoloration typically turn to porcelain veneers.

4. You Have Peg Laterals or Other Irregularities

A peg what? A peg lateral is a dental anomaly that affects the upper lateral incisors. The condition causes the lateral incisors to be abnormally small in size and often pointy in appearance. Dental veneers can be a solution when the space provided by the position of adjacent teeth is optimal.

Veneers can also be a viable option for many scenarios where which a patient is afflicted with teeth that are misaligneduneven, or irregularly shaped. This can include lingual positioned teeth and malposed teeth that do not require orthodontics.

6. You Suffer from Hypocalcification

Enamel hypocalcification (not to be confused with decalcification) is a condition where which the normal volume of tooth enamel is produced but are hypomineralized, resulting in enamel is softer than normal. Chalky spots on the teeth are visible, impacting aesthetics. Veneers may be used to mask the corresponding discoloration.