Cimbak Dental Clinic




Our tooth is filled with a soft pulp tissue containing blood vessels and nerves. When decay reaches this inner area of the tooth, the pulp becomes infected or exposed. This condition is usually very painful and can lead to significant health problems if untreated.

Severe tooth pain and swelling around a tooth could be a sign you need a root canal treatment. When the pulp inside the tooth becomes infected or inflamed, the infection can spread into the surrounding bone and tissue around the root of the tooth. If left untreated, this can cause complete tooth loss and significant pain.

A root canal involves cleaning out the infected tissue and sealing and restoring the tooth. The goal of root canal treatment is to eliminate tooth pain caused by infection in the dental pulp within the tooth. With a dual purpose to save your tooth and preserve the health of your smile, non-surgical root canal treatments are a common procedure and hold a consistently high success rate at our practice. 

If you are experiencing pain or swelling in your teeth and gums, you may need immediate help to feel better and to protect your teeth against further damage. We perform root canals at Cimbak Dental Clinic, Port harcourt, and other endodontic treatments like an apicoectomy to help save your natural teeth and relieve pain.

What Is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment is a sequenced treatment for the nerve of a tooth in order to eliminate infection and to protect the tooth from future bacterial attacks. It is a common procedure performed with the aim of saving a bad tooth. These advanced treatments may require multiple dental appointments to ensure the best results.

First – The nerve tissues, blood vessels, and other cells are removed from within the roots of a tooth.

Second – The roots of the tooth are cleaned and shaped with tiny files. They are also irrigated with disinfecting solutions.

Third – The root canals are filled with an intert filling such as gutta percha and a cement to block out all future bacterial attacks.


Do I Need a Root Canal?

Not all tooth pain means root canal treatment will be needed, but visiting our clinic to determine the cause of your pain can ultimately save your tooth! The most common symptoms that may necessitate root canal treatment include:

  • Severe tooth pain
  • Sharp pain when eating
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Darkened tooth
  • Tender, swollen gums

After Root Canal Treatment, What Next?

After a root canal treatment, the tooth looses all of its natural hydration from the nerve and blood vessels and becomes very brittle. This can make a tooth more prone to fracture especially if the tooth is a molar where most of the biting forces are concentrated.

For this reason, we usually recommend a crown to protect teeth that have undergone root canal treatment. This is very essential, as it helps protect the teeth from the forces generated during chewing.